Understanding trees will give you a solid foundation on basic tree physiology. It will also help you understand how trees work to offer environmental benefits like urban forestry. This course will cover basic ecosystem services, how trees can support humans, and how to become a sustainable friend of trees and help preserve, improve, and restore the trees in the country’s largest cities. Many of our nation’s trees can found in cities and metropolitan areas. Trees are a major contributor to the overall quality and quantity of our water and air. Trees act as filters to keep pollutants and toxins out of our air and water.
Trees produce sugars which can be used as fertilizers, soil additives, and other nutrients. Trees also produce carbon dioxide. Trees can improve the quality of your home and office’s air. Trees that don’t receive enough water or aren’t healthy can become unstable and could endanger people and buildings. As you may have guessed, tree diseases are very serious and pose real threats to people and property. In some cases, killing hundreds of birds or animals due to a disease carried by mosquitoes, aphids, or fungi could result from a problem with diseased trees.
Understanding trees helps us to understand ourselves and our surroundings better. It is now clear that trees are essential for the health and well-being of forests and their habitats. Trees are essential for the health of forests and habitats. They filter, trap, clean and regulate soil temperatures. A tree that has been damaged or poorly planted will be less efficient in filtering pollutants and absorption of greenhouse gases, contributing to global warming.

Trees can make us feel more secure. Research has shown that tree roots can reduce the chance of injury from falls in commercial and residential buildings. This is especially important when there are children or elderly people living around the tree. More people could be seriously hurt without trees acting as a buffer and anchoring power lines and cables. We know from studies that the presence of trees reduces the risk of all sorts of accidental injuries, such as cuts and slips. It also reduces the risk of fire; as trees naturally put out fires, this reduces the risk of homes and other buildings being burned down.
Trees reduce noise levels. Trees offer privacy and protection against wildlife and people, which is why they are so popular. Just think of how quiet it would be if there was not one tree in your yard or on your street! How much time and effort would it take to find something under the tree if there weren’t one?
Tree roots can lead to dampness and damage to roofs and flooring. In fact, improper roof installation can lead to many problems. Rainwater will seep into the roof, causing damage to the shingles. If the tree root is allowed grow unchecked it can lead to rotting and mildew.
Trees are a great way to keep the air around us clean. Many toxins and pollutants are trapped in our air, as a result of our unhealthy lifestyles. These harmful elements can be removed by trees acting as natural filters. Understanding trees and how they impact our environment can help us prevent global warming and air pollution. Our best chance of improving the environment in the future is to stop this global crisis.
Trees can provide shade, safety, and security. You might consider planting trees if you live in an area with few trees. This is especially true in areas where temperatures can fluctuate and there is a high chance of thunderstorms. Understanding the tree canopy phenomenon and being aware of the impact your tree has on the environment around you will help you make an informed decision when planting a tree in your yard.